Discover the ultimate in luxury and performance with the Genesis G70, available at Genesis of Smithtown, your premier destination for luxury vehicles on Long Island, New York. This extraordinary sports sedan represents the pinnacle of automotive engineering, combining unrivaled power, precision, and sophistication. With its sculpted lines and bold stance, the Genesis G70 commands attention and leaves a lasting impression wherever it goes.
Step inside the driver-focused cockpit and experience the perfect balance of comfort and performance. The Genesis G70 envelops you in a world of opulence, featuring premium materials, exquisite craftsmanship, and cutting-edge technology at your fingertips. With its powerful engine options, lightning-fast acceleration, and precise handling, this sports sedan delivers an exhilarating and engaging driving experience that pushes the boundaries of what’s possible. Keep your G70 performing at its best with our dedicated Service Department and Service Specials!
Discover the epitome of automotive excellence with the Genesis G70 at Genesis of Smithtown. Embrace the thrill of driving and immerse yourself in a world where luxury meets high performance. Visit our dealership today, conveniently located near East Setauket, Shoreham, Mastic, and Bellport, and let the Genesis G70 ignite your passion for driving like never before.